About Alice Hopkin

Alice Hopkin was born and raised in Essex. She was raised by a family of self-starters who care about working hard, giving back to their community and creating opportunities for others.

Whilst still studying, Alice founded a charity that works with disadvantaged and autistic young people in Essex and the East End. She works with smaller local charities and businesses to find employment opportunities for people who need extra support finding and maintaining a job. She has helped almost 100 disadvantaged, autistic people into local employment.

Beyond the mission of her own charity, Alice is a relentless volunteer, fundraising for a number of small local charities that focus on similar work.

She has volunteered with several charities in the East End that support disadvantaged and autistic children. That includes running cricket clubs, gardening clubs, youth clubs, homework clubs, summer camps and supporting an annual Christmas toy appeal.

Through her charity work, Alice got her first taste of politics after working with local Councillors and Members of Parliament. She saw how their roles brought a community together to change lives. Without any background in politics, she got a job working for someone who shared her political views - a Eurosceptic MEP for the East of England - to deliver Brexit. She has since worked in a variety of parliamentary roles, including most recently serving our country as the Home Secretary’s adviser. She has won several awards for her work in government.

During the early stages of the pandemic, Alice volunteered at her local hospital, making PPE for doctors and nurses. Alice set up the Conservative Women’s Parliamentary Staff Network with a group of colleagues to build a community for women in Westminster. The network worked with other political parties, running ‘More in Common’ events to improve the political environment for women. She is a founding member and former Director Digital Tories and was also in the founding team of Conservative Friends of the Armed Forces. 

Alice will combine her charity sector experience with her Westminster expertise to relentlessly deliver for her community and fix problems. She is a go-getter and is all about action, not words. She knows how to get things done.

Alice has represented her country with UN Women UK at the Commission on the Status of Women, encouraging greater participation of women in public life. She has also served her community as a School Governor at her local Primary School.

Alice graduated from Royal Holloway, University of London, with a degree in Geography. Whilst there, she captained the university’s women's hockey team, having also previously played hockey for her county as a teenager.

Alice recently ran the Paris Marathon and the Brighton Half Marathon raising thousands for Cancer Research UK. She ran the Brighton Half Marathon in 2020 raising money for Sepsis UK and the London Landmarks 10k for Crohns and Colitis UK. She cycled from London to Brighton for the British Heart Foundation.